Carolina Stories: Pirates of the Carolinas

This TV special written and directed by Bruce Mayer aired on PBS in 2007. It features narration by historians over dramatizations in which Mary Read is played by Barbara Gose, Anne Bonny by Liisa Rose, and Calico Jack by Joe Perry (not "the"). The events of the story are taken from the General History, with… Continue reading Carolina Stories: Pirates of the Carolinas

Devil’s Ballast by Meg Caddy

This young adult novel was published in 2019. It is mostly narrated by Anne Bonny with some chapters in third person from Jonathan Barnet's point of view. Mary Read is written as a trans man named Martin--as a child Martin told his mother he was a boy before the mother decided to try to get… Continue reading Devil’s Ballast by Meg Caddy

Abigail Adams: Pirate of the Caribbean by Steve Sheinkin

This Time Twister book was published in 2018. The story revolves around Abigail Adams time traveling to 1720, and some 21st-century kids, Doc and Abby, who try to send her back to her own time. In 1720, Abigail meets Anne Bonny in a Cuban tavern called the Spy Glass (not the "Catalejo"?) and asks her… Continue reading Abigail Adams: Pirate of the Caribbean by Steve Sheinkin

Truth and Tale: Pirates by Helen Hollick

This book was published in 2017. Jack Rackham is Charles Vane's quartermaster on the ship Ranger, and they party with Blackbeard in Ocracoke. Mary Read's father is a sea captain and her older brother is named Mark. Hollick describes her as small with curly brown hair and says that Charles Johnson said she was born… Continue reading Truth and Tale: Pirates by Helen Hollick

Black Sails

This hour-long drama first aired in 2014 and ran for four seasons. The series creation is credited to Robert Levine and Jonathan E. Steinberg. It's a prequel to Treasure Island, featuring the book characters when they were young and interacting with historical figures. Jack Rackham and Anne Bonny appear in most episodes, portrayed respectively by… Continue reading Black Sails

Bartolomé el Bello by Alejandro Alcalá

This story was published in the 2016 book Cuentos y leyendas sobre piratas y corsarios del Caribe. Bartolomé Robert meets Calicó Jack and his crew in Tortuga. Bartolomé insults Anne Bonny, who gets Jack to pick a fight with Bartolomé. Mary Read joins the fight, and she and Bartolomé end up kissing at the end.… Continue reading Bartolomé el Bello by Alejandro Alcalá

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag

This installment in the Assassin's Creed series came out in 2013. The player character is employed at Abstergo, a tech company with virtual reality software that allows users to witness the experiences of dead people. Instead of using this technology to, for example, solve crimes, the player character is tasked with harvesting cinematic footage from… Continue reading Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag

Steel by Carrie Vaughn

This YA novel was published in 2011. The protagonist, Jill, travels back in time and sails with an 18th century pirate crew. They visit Nassau where they encounter Jack Rackham, Anne Bonny, and Mary Read in a tavern. They are acquainted with Jill's captain, Marjory Cooper, who asks them for information looking for the villain… Continue reading Steel by Carrie Vaughn

Pirates of the Storm by Enid Richemont and Andy Hammond

This children's book was published in 2010. Anne Bonny marries Jack Rackam and wants to go to sea with him, but his crew refuse so she dresses up as a boy. They attack a ship where Mary Read is a cabin boy and which is for some reason carrying gold and jewels from Europe across… Continue reading Pirates of the Storm by Enid Richemont and Andy Hammond