L’art de vérifier les dates depuis l’année 1770 jusqu’à nos jours: Chronologie historique de l’Amérique

This reference book was first published in the 18th century, but further editions and volumes were put out into the 19th. The 16th volume was published in 1837, focusing on American history and including Anne Bonny and Mary Read in its chapter on Jamaica. Citing "M. Southey's West Indies" (presumably Thomas Southey), it says the… Continue reading L’art de vérifier les dates depuis l’année 1770 jusqu’à nos jours: Chronologie historique de l’Amérique

Histoire des bandits et brigands les plus célèbres des quatre parties du monde by Jacques Collin de Plancy

I think but am not sure that this book was first published in 1835. It includes a few pirates whose stories are mostly (as usual) lifted from Charles Johnson. Mary (Marie) Read is one of them. It hews pretty close to Johnson. In this version, Marie learns the truth about her gender at age 15,… Continue reading Histoire des bandits et brigands les plus célèbres des quatre parties du monde by Jacques Collin de Plancy