Histoire illustrée des pirates by Jules Trousset

This book's full title is Histoire illustrée des pirates, corsaires, flibustiers, boucaniers, forbans, négriers et écumeurs de mer dans tous les temps et dans tous les pays. It was published in 1875 and its accounts of Jean Rackam, Mary Read, and Anne Bonny are mostly restatements of the story as it appears in the General… Continue reading Histoire illustrée des pirates by Jules Trousset

The Sea: Its Stirring Story of Adventure, Peril, & Heroism. by Frederick Whymper

This book includes Mary Read in a section about 18th century pirates. There is not much to note in this one but Whymper writes that Mary's mother was married twice, which allows him to ignore any suggestion of extramarital sex. He also goes out of his way to tell us "that in her intercourse with… Continue reading The Sea: Its Stirring Story of Adventure, Peril, & Heroism. by Frederick Whymper

Captain William Kidd/The Buccaneer Chiefs by John SC Abbott

This book was, as far as I can tell, first published in 1874 under the title Captain William Kidd and others of the pirates or buccaneers who ravaged the seas, the islands, and the continents of America two hundred years ago. It can also be found under the titles Captain William Kidd and Others of… Continue reading Captain William Kidd/The Buccaneer Chiefs by John SC Abbott

The Extraordinary Adventures of Mary Read, the Female Pirate

I'm not sure of this story's provenance. I found it noodling around Google Books appended to Brett's Illustrated Naval History of Great Britain by Edwin John Brett published in 1871. Brett wrote penny dreadfuls for boys during his career, so possibly this could be his work. It's a relatively concise biography of Mary Read based… Continue reading The Extraordinary Adventures of Mary Read, the Female Pirate