Chronological History of the West Indies by Thomas Southey

This three-volume history was published in 1827. Mary Read's second husband is a prisoner of the pirates. Southey says that Mary and Anne Bonny "declared themselves women" when they were asked why they should not be sentenced to death. Anne is "repeatedly reprieved, and finally escaped."

Il costume antico e moderno by Giulio Ferrario

This encyclopedia's full title is Il costume antico e moderno: Storia del governo, della milizia, della religione, delle arti, scienze ed usanzi di tutti i popoli antichi e moderni provata con monumenti dell'antichità e rappresentata cogli analoghi disegni. It was first published in 21 volumes during the 1810s and '20s. Ferrario mentions piracy during his… Continue reading Il costume antico e moderno by Giulio Ferrario